Loyalty is a good and desirable attribute when lived and
applied properly. The Lord made it clear that He expects our devotion and
loyalty as part of our discipleship. He taught that, “No man can serve two
masters.” He said that when we have choices to make concerning our loyalties,
we “will hate the one, and love the other: or else he will hold to the one, and
despise the other.” (Matt. 6: 24) When teaching about the need for loyalty, the
Lord intended that our devotion and admiration were to be directed to Him only,
because, “ye cannot serve God and mammon.” The early Israelites were told,
“thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20: 3) That commandment still
is effective upon us today. The Lord appreciates our devotion and loyalty to
Him. He delights to bless those who give their devotion to Him. He has said, “I,
the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and delight to honor
those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end.” (D&C 76: 5)
It seems to be a natural human tendency to want to please
other men. It is a rare person that simply won’t be influenced by those around
them. This human tendency is very often taken to unhealthy extremes. Joseph
Smith the prophet succumbed to the urge to bow to the influence of men and was
chastised by the Lord for doing so. Joseph was told, “And behold, how oft you
have transgressed the commandments and the laws of God, and have gone on in the
persuasions of men. For, behold, you should not have feared man more than God.
Although men set at naught the counsels of God, and despise his words—“
(D&C 3: 6-7) Fearing men, paying devotion to men, giving our loyalty or
unrighteous admiration to men at any level is offensive to God. Nephi lamented his own weakness and
declared, “O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I
will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that
putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust
in man or maketh flesh his arm.”
I recently read the Last Confession and Statement of John D.
Lee. Brother Lee was the only man that received any legal retribution for the
horrible events of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. It is not my purpose to treat
the events of the massacre in this posting. For current purposes, I want to
restrict attention to statements made by Lee in His last confession about the
horrible events. I will say however, that reading Lees confession and statement
was disturbing for me. I came away from the reading shaken at what had been
done. I recommend it be read.
It is not the purpose of this post to try and determine what
Mormon leaders gave what orders or necessarily even who may have been complicit
in the massacre at Mountain Meadows. The mindset of John D. Lee is what we want
to consider for now. In his confession, he describes the motivation that led
him to his part and participation in the bloody events at Mtn. Meadows. In his
words there is something to be learned about unrighteous devotion and loyalty
to men. After having received orders for the contemplated killing of over 120
emigrants from Arkansas, Lee describes his feelings, “While in bitter anguish, lamenting the sad condition of
myself and others, Charles Hopkins, a man that I had great confidence in, came
to me from the Council, and tried to comfort me by saying that he believed it
was all right, for the brethren in the Priesthood were all united in the thing,
and it would not be well for me to oppose them.” (All quotes and references of
Lee in this post are taken from Last Confession and Statement of John D. Lee WRITTEN
According to Lee, about ten days prior to the killings at
Mtn. meadows, apostle George A. Smith came to southern Utah and visited for
some time with John Lee. Lee describes parts of his conversation with the
apostle as follows: “Brother Lee, I am satisfied that the brethren are under
the full influence of the reformation, and I believe they will do just as you
say they will with the wicked emigrants that come through the country making
threats and abusing our people.” I repeated my views to him, but at much
greater length, giving my reasons in full for thinking that Governor Young
should give orders to protect all the emigrants that he did not wish destroyed.
I went into a full statement of the wrongs of our people, and told him that the
people were under the blaze of the reformation, full of wild fire and
fanaticism, and that to shed the blood of those who would dare to speak against
the Mormon Church or its leaders, they would consider doing the will of God,
and that the people would do it as willingly and cheerfully as they would any
other duty. That the apostle Paul, when he started forth to persecute the
followers of Christ, was not any more sincere than every Mormon was then, who
lived in Southern Utah. My words served to cheer up the General (George A. Smith)
very much; he was greatly delighted, and said,
"I am glad to hear so good
an account of our people. God will bless them for all that they do to build up
His Kingdom in the last days." Notice that the “sincerity” of the apostle
Paul in his persecution of followers of Christ before his conversion to the
Lord is set up as an equivalent of the zeal felt by Mormons in southern
Utah. Knowledge of this, according
to Lee, served to cheer up the apostle George A. Smith very much.
Describing his feelings at the time of the murders, Lee
says, “I knew that I was acting a cruel part and doing a damnable deed. Yet my
faith in the godliness of my leaders was such that it forced me to think that I
was not sufficiently spiritual to act the important part I was commanded to
perform.” Lee’s orders in the execution of the murders were “to help kill all
the sick and wounded who were in the wagons, and to do it as soon as they heard
the guns of the troops.” Because of his “faith in the godliness of (his) leaders” Lee felt he was “not
sufficiently spiritual” to murder sick and wounded people in the back of a
wagon where he had lured them making them think he was taking them to safety.
The elevation of men to a status of “godliness” is evil and
damnable. Even acts of cold-blooded murder perpetrated against women, children,
sick, and wounded, can be accepted if leaders approve.
To summarize the illustration of unrighteous, even evil
loyalty and devotion to priesthood leaders, consider this statement recorded by
John D. Lee. As speeches were given prior to the cold-blooded murder of over
120 men, women, and children, John D. Lee remembered the following being said: "Brethren,
we have been sent here to perform a duty. It is a duty that we owe to God, and
to our Church and people. The orders of those in authority are that all the
emigrants must die. Our leaders speak with inspired tongues, and their orders
come from the God of Heaven. We have no right to question what they have
commanded us to do; it is our duty to obey. “ No right to question. Their order comes from heaven. It is our "duty."
Many, especially perhaps those who wish to cast a more
favorable light on the church and its leaders will argue that John Lee cannot
be believed. Perhaps they are right. On the other hand, Lee was a condemned
man. He was about to step into eternity himself. His fate and execution were
set. There would be little purpose in lying about oneself at the doors of
death. I personally believe much of what Lee said and recorded is based in
truth, especially those statements that express his personal feelings. Every
man’s feelings are his reality. It is clear John D. Lee considered his
priesthood leaders the final word and the final and supreme authority, even if
their word meant cold-blooded murder. If we exclude all else from his
confession and try only to learn from the mindset of John Lee himself, the
lesson may be learned. Leaders are not to be adored or elevated above anything
more than a mere man. That is
after all what they are.
I am disturbed when I here over and over the mantra “follow
the prophet.” It has become the number one “doctrine” of the church in our
day. Children begin to hear it in
primary as they sing, “Follow the prophet. Follow the prophet. Follow the
prophet. He knows the way.” If the prophet did indeed know the way, there will
be very little talk of, or singing about, “the prophet.” Things would begin to
be spiritually healthy for us as a people if our children never sang about “the
prophet” but instead sang praises to our Lord and Redeemer exclusively and continually.
A true prophet will never bring attention or focus upon himself or his
position. He will never assume that others are to bow to him or his position. A
true prophet would teach and require subservience and obedience to no one but
the Lord Jesus.
A true prophet will never speak or do anything whatsoever
that would even remotely draw attention, devotion, and loyalty away from the
Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus and our Father have no surrogates on the earth.
“Following” any man be he “prophet,” or apostle, or pope, is not now, nor ever
will be, in the economy of God, the same thing as following the Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. There is no man, not the pope, not the president of the church,
not a political leader or king on the earth that deserves, or should righteously
require our loyalty, adoration, or obedience. The Lord alone has required that
of us. He has no surrogates among men only humble servants that, "if they desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all." (Mark 9: 35)
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