Thursday, August 29, 2013

"The" Will of the Father Part 8

When The Lord Jesus speaks, His words are spirit and they are life. (John 6: 63) If we are wise, if we desire "life," we will hear what He says and believe. When He says something, we need not spurn at His words. There is an interesting word, "spurn." Webster's says "spurn" means:
  1. to reject with disdain; scorn.
  2. to treat with contempt; despise.
  3. to kick or trample with the foot.
We need not imagine in our hearts that His words that He has spoken are vain. (3Nephi 29: 3) Spurning at His words will simply result in it eventually overtaking you. (3Nephi 29: 4) There are woes pronounced on any that spurn at the words of The Lord. (3Nephi 29: 4-6)

Lest we spurn at His words, what evidence do we have that these words of The Lord are not in fact vain?

"And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6: 40)

"No man can come unto me, except he doeth the will of my Father who hath sent me. And this is the will of him who hath sent me, that ye receive the Son; for the Father beareth record of him; and he who receiveth the testimony, and doeth the will of him who sent me, I will raise up in the resurrection of the just." (JST John 6: 44)

Evidence and proof of actual fulfillment of the will of the Father in many individual mortal lives is abundant and can be found throughout the scriptural record. Foremost among the examples available to us in our day is the prophet Joseph Smith. Joseph's record says:

"I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me...When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" (JSH 1: 16-17)

Years later, Joseph again received the Son and the specific more sure word of prophecy (D&C 131: 5-6) from the mouth of the Lord by which Joseph's calling and election was made sure. He was told, "For I am the Lord thy God, and will be with thee even unto the end of the world, and through all eternity; for verily I seal upon you your exaltation, and prepare a throne for you in the kingdom of my Father, with Abraham your father." (D&C 132: 49)

Joseph knew exactly what was meant when he counseled on Sunday May 21, 1843 at the Nauvoo temple stand:

"It is one thing to receive knowledge by the voice of God, (this is my beloved Son &c.) & another to know that you yourself will be saved, to have a positive promise of your own Salvation is making your calling and election sure. Viz the voice of Jesus saying my beloved thou shalt have eternal life. Brethren never cease struggling until you get this evidence." (Words of the Prophet Joseph Smith Ehat and Cook page 208)

Joseph could teach this marvelous doctrine with authority and from a position of knowledge because he had received it himself. We should always remember and never forget, Joseph assured us he had received nothing that was not available to every person. Even the least saint, he said, could receive exactly what he himself had received, as soon as they were prepared. (The Words of Joseph Smith Ehat and Cook page 4) 

The prevailing belief among Latter Day Saints that these things can only be had by those holding position and title in the church is a damning belief. That belief constitutes "spurning" at the words of the Lord. Thomas Monson, and Boyd Packer, and every other person, must come by these things in exactly the same way and according to the very same process and laws that you do. (D&C 130: 20) That process, those laws, are the very ones we have discussed in this series of blogs. There are no end runs around the decrees of God. Titles, positions, wealth, power among men, great learning with degrees, hold absolutely no water whatsoever where receiving the Son of God is concerned. These are the things that will pervade the minds and the beliefs of those who think a mere cry of Lord! Lord! coupled with a quick recitation of "many wonderful works" and a few miracles will save them in the Kingdom of God. (Matt. 7: 21-23)

The Old Testament contains numerous accounts of those who fulfilled the will of the Father and received the Son. Our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, (who coincidently are now exalted and sitting on thrones in heaven, (D&C 132: 37)) each stood in the presence of God during their mortal life. The respective accounts of each of their encounters with the Son are recorded as follows:

Abraham: (Genesis 22: 26-18)

Isaac: (Genesis 26: 2-4)

Jacob: (Genesis 28: 10-22)

From the New Testament record is the account of Saul of Tarsus who later was named Paul. The account of Saul is one from which we sinners should take great hope. Saul, not unlike his counterparts from the Book of Mormon, the sons of Mosiah and Alma the younger, went about trying to destroy the church of God. (Acts 22: 4-5 and Mosiah 27: 10) If those sons of Mosiah and Alma's son were, as the record says, "the vilest of sinners," (Mosiah 28: 4) then Saul of Tarsus must have been locked in a dead heat with them for the title. Saul himself confessed to The Lord, "Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee: And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him." (Acts 22: 19-20) Never the less, from the record of Saul's mortal experience, we have these words spoken by righteous Ananias to Paul, from which we learn how Paul fulfilled the will of the Father and received the Son:

"The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth." (Acts 22: 14)

No account in any of our scripture is more instructive for us regarding fulfillment of the will of the Father that we receive the Son, than the account found in the Book of Mormon describing how the brother of Jared received the Son of God. Besides the account of the prophet Joseph Smith, there is no greater detailed written account of a person receiving the Son than that of the brother of Jared.

Chapters 3, and 4 of the book of Ether should be read and reread by every disciple of Christ who desires to understand how we are to receive the Son. Although the entire account is precious and worth recounting, what we need to know for this discussion can be learned from one verse:

"And when he had said these words, behold, the Lord showed himself unto him, and said: Because thou knowest these things ye are redeemed from the fall; therefore ye are brought back into my presence; therefore I show myself unto you." (Ether 3: 13)

We need not spurn at the words of The Lord. He means what He says. If He says it is the will of the Father that you receive the Son, if He says it is the will of the Father that you "see" the Son, then that is exactly what He means.

If Joseph Smith, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Saul, the brother of Jared and countless others have received the Son, heard His voice, and stood in His presence, then so can you. His words are spirit and they are life. (John 6: 63) None of His words contain more "life" for you than the words of His testimony (D&C 76: 51 and D&C 131: 5-6 and Rev. 19: 10) from His mouth to your ears that He has redeemed you from the Fall. This is life, this is in fact life eternal. (John 17: 3)

Monday, August 26, 2013

"The" Will of the Father Part 7

The last many entries to this blog have focused on the magnificent truth contained in the verse from the gospel of John that was translated by the prophet Joseph Smith which says:

"And this is the will of Him that sent me, that ye receive the Son..." (JST John 6:44)

A few verses prior to this verse also in the book of John appears this:

"And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6: 40)

Here, instead of using the words "receive the Son," to describe the will of the Father, The Lord says it is the will of the Father that everyone which seeth the Son...may have everlasting life..."

Later in his record John quotes The Lord Jesus saying:

"If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." (John 14:23)

Joseph Smith clarified the meaning of The Lord's words from this verse when he recorded this, which now appears in the Doctrine and Covenants:

"John 14:23—The appearing of the Father and the Son, in that verse, is a personal appearance; and the idea that the Father and the Son dwell in a man’s heart is an old sectarian notion, and is false." (D&C 130:3)

"Receiving" the Son, (JST John 6:44) "seeing" the Son, (John 6: 40) making your calling and election sure by the more sure word of prophecy, (2Peter 1: 10-11, 19 and D&C 131: 5-6) this is the will of the Father for each and every one of His children. And, He intends that these things happen to you during the period of your mortal probation. (D&C 132: 22-23, and D&C 88: 68, and D&C 76: 117-118) 

Many in our day teach the carnally soothing doctrine that these things are not intended for this life and are only to be received after the day of this life is over. Belief in this precept of men allows for a much easier, much more entertaining, and comfortable cruise through the otherwise difficult days of sacrifice called mortality. Joseph Smith the prophet of the restoration taught that "a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things will never have power sufficient to develop faith unto life and salvation." (Lectures on Faith Lecture 6: 7) An understanding of the awful magnitude of the meaning of sacrificing "all things" in this life in order that we may do the will of the Father and gain sufficient faith to receive the Son and His promised salvation, has been lost to lesser, false forms of godliness wherein there is no power to save. (JS History 1: 19) 

We are now taught instead, that salvation will come by simply, benignly, staying in the mainstream of the church and following men. If you do this, we are continually assured, there will be plenty of time after you die to receive the higher, more important things. Working out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Phillipians 2:12) it is implied, need only include staying firmly in the mainstream of the church, subserviently, diligently, "following" men. (2Nephi 28: 5-9) The only "trembling" required in this approach, is the shaky trembling that occasions the fervent hand wringing hope that we may find favor with mortal leaders. The "fear" that results is the soul diminishing fear inflicted upon God's children when control, compulsion and dominion are exercised upon them by those who have a little authority "as they suppose." (D&C 121: 37-39) Thus, both fear and trembling under this false form of godliness are misunderstood and misdirected to places where there is no power of salvation whatsoever. As a result, nothing, especially not your own salvation, is "worked out" by this false form of fear and trembling. Never the less, as a result, we are  falsely taught, "chances are, we will all be exalted."

We are reminded that it is only "he that doeth the will of (the Father)" (Matt. 7:21) that will enter into the Kingdom of heaven. And, it is the will of the Father "that you receive the Son." (JST John 6: 44) And, receiving the Son is to be done in this world. (D&C 132: 22-23)

Alma said it this way:

"For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." (Alma 34: 32)

No matter what men and their precepts may teach you about how little can be done in this life, and salvation still be received, do not be deceived! The word of The Lord is clear. Receive Him. Do it in this life. Sacrifice all that you are and all that you have in order to gain the faith necessary unto life and salvation.

Friday, August 23, 2013

"The" Will of the Father Part 6

If one person on the earth has ever received the Son of God in this world (D&C 132: 22-23) in accordance with the will of the Father, (JST John 6: 44) then it must be possible that every person on the earth could do the same thing. God is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10: 34-35)  In order to be just, what God does for one person, must be available in the same way for all persons. Joseph Smith said there was nothing he had received from God that was not available to every single person including the least saint as soon as they were prepared to receive it. Joseph Smith received the Son in this world. His calling and election was made sure by revelation and the more sure word of prophecy. (D&C 132: 49-50) If it is indeed "the will of the Father that you receive the Son," (JST John 6: 44) then the will of the Father was in reality accomplished in Joseph Smith's experience. We have a record of it. If the record of Joseph Smith receiving the Son in this world was all we had available to us, it would be enough to show that it is possible for every person, including you, (perhaps  especially you,) to receive the Son and His promised redemption in like manner. 

The Book of Mormon is called "another" testament of Jesus Christ. We say it contains the "fullness of the gospel" of Jesus Christ. The phrase, "The fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ," cannot mean everything there is to say or to know about the gospel of the Son of God. This is not the meaning of "the fullness" of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ, for every person's individual life, is meant to be a progression of events, ordinances, knowledge, and heavenly gifts, that are designed and intended to result in redemption from the Fall. (3Nephi 27: 13-16) Every person experiences a literal fall by coming to this mortal telestial existence. (Alma 41: 11) The fall separates us from God, and that separation would be permanent but for the atoning sacrifice of The Lord Jesus.  The culminating result of all repentance, faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, keeping His commandments, receiving all of the ordinances, and all else we do in the name of the Son of God, is to effect the return of the individual to the presence of the Son, who has the authority, and the right, to offer you "redemption." Hence He is called, among His many titles and names, "The  Redeemer." This is the purpose and meaning of the gospel, it is all about your "redemption." It is redemption from the Fall by the personal pronouncement of the Son of God to you. This is the express purpose for which we were told in the beginning, "we will provide a Savior for (you)... that (you) may be brought forth by the power of the redemption and the resurrection, and come again into our presence, and with us partake of eternal life and exaltation." This is the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is at this point, (when you receive the Son in accordance with the will of the Father,) in your progression that you experience a "fullness" of the gospel. It is called the "fullness of the gospel" because this culmination for you is the full purpose for which The Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself a sacrifice for your sins and transgressions. (2Nephi 2: 6-7) He did that for no other reason than that you might have the opportunity to be redeemed from the Fall and be brought back into His presence. This is the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The endowment ceremony in the temple is a depiction of your fall to a telestial world from heavenly beginnings where you enjoyed the presence of God. You are shown through the ceremony, your journey through a lost and fallen world. If you can see it, you are shown your progression through increasing knowledge, and light, and  the progressive stages of the gospel of Jesus Christ until the gospel plan brings you to a point where the will of the Father (JST John 6: 44) is ceremonially depicted by you receiving the Son and conversing with Him through a ceremonial veil. All of this sacred ceremony is designed by God to show you what is intended for you in your actual life. It really is the will of the Father that you really do receive the Son, and  not just in a ceremonial depiction that is intended to teach you about what needs to become reality in your mortal life. What you learn and repeat ceremonially, should teach you what you need to do in the very reality of your life. Every one of Gods' children is intended to come up to, and to enjoy the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ for himself/herself as she converses face to face with The Lord through the veil, not ceremonially, but in reality.  Because it is the will of the Father that you receive the Son. (JST John 6: 44) 

Be very sure you understand clearly; the ordinances and the ceremony itself do not have power to save you. If you believe you will be saved by the ceremony itself, you may find yourself claiming to the Lord in that day, that this is one of those "wonderful works" done in His name by which you were expecting to be saved in the Kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 7: 21-23) When in fact, if you do not use what you are taught in the ordinances and ceremony to actually "do the will of the Father" in your mortal life and receive the Son, you may then be invited to depart because He never knew you. (Matt. 7: 21)

The Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ because it contains a collection of sacred accounts and records of many of those who have done the will of the Father and received the Son in this world. The precious and sacred Book of Mormon does indeed contain the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Its narrative record and words show us how the fullness of the Gospel, which is the presence of the Son, and His offered redemption, was received by:

Alma the Younger
Lamoni's wife
About 2500 unnamed men, women, and children 
The brother of Jared
...And others

If all you had was the record left by Joseph Smith that he has received the Son of God and that the Son has pronounced Joseph's redemption from the Fall, (D&C 132: 49-50) then you could be absolutely sure the same is possible for you. Be of good cheer! We have the matchless Book of Mormon which contains too numerous accounts to mention, like those listed above, of those, like Joseph, who have received the Son and His promised redemption from the Fall. The fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is repeated throughout the precious record. The Book of Mormon is given to you in the latter day for the express purpose to show you how to do the will of the Father and receive the Son.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"The" Will of the Father Part 5

"The more sure word of prophecy means a man’s knowing that he is sealed up unto eternal life, by revelation and the spirit of prophecy, through the power of the Holy Priesthood. It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance." (D&C 131: 5-6) 

We must have a sure knowledge that we are sealed up to eternal life in order to be saved. Guessing about our eternal standing cannot ever save us. Simple hope, a firm belief, a strong conviction that our "many wonderful works" (Matt. 7: 21-23) will eventually lead to eternal life just is not enough. We may be very active in the church and strictly religious in our lives, we may know the Book of Mormon is true, we may have the witness of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the Christ, we may follow religious leaders devoutly, we may have done "many wonderful works" in the name of The Lord, (Matt. 7: 21-23) however, if we are ignorant of our own actual standing with respect to our eternal life, it will be impossible for us to be saved. It requires actual and real "knowledge." 

The particular knowledge that is required is not general in its nature. It is specific and can only be received in one way. That is why not everyone that cries Lord! Lord! will enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 7: 21) And, as we understand now, the will of the Father is that you "receive the Son." (JST John 6:44)

Joseph Smith said it this way: 

"knowledge is revelation, hear all ye brethren this grand key; knowledge is the power of God unto salvation...There are two keys, one key knowledge. The other make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things you shall never fall for so an entrance shall be administered unto you abundantly into the the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...We have also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto give heed until the day star arise in your is one thing to receive knowledge by the voice of God, (this is my beloved Son &c.) & another to know that you yourself will be saved, to have a positive promise of your own salvation is making your calling and election sure. viz the voice of Jesus saying my beloved thou shalt have eternal life. Brethren never cease struggling until you get this evidence." (Words of the Prophet Joseph Smith Ehat and Cook page 204-208)

It is the will of the Father that you receive the Son (JST John 6: 44) because The Son has power to redeem you from your lost and fallen condition. As Joseph Smith said, quoting Peter, "so an entrance shall be administered unto you abundantly into the the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (2Peter 1: 11) The Lord has the right and the power by virtue of His great sacrifice, to save you. By the pronouncement of His own voice to you, He can promise you eternal life in His Kingdom. This more sure word of prophecy to you comes as the testimony from Jesus to you personally. Revelation and the spirit of prophecy are the only way you can receive this more sure word of prophecy. The "spirit of prophecy," according to John, is the testimony of Jesus. (Rev. 19: 10) When you hear the voice of Jesus, (just as Joseph Smith suggested you should,) say to you "my beloved thou shalt have eternal life," you have then received the spirit of prophecy. In this way, all ignorance of your eternal standing is dispelled. You would then have knowledge, and the impossibility of you being saved in ignorance is eliminated. Your calling and election is then sure because He spoke the words to you that make it sure. Whatever He speaks is law and is absolutely sure. You will have then received the spirit of prophecy which is the testimony of Jesus. (Rev. 19: 10)

This is the more sure word of prophecy. It is the will of the Father that you receive the Son and the promise of eternal life only He can give to you.

"Never cease struggling until you get this evidence." (Joseph Smith)

Monday, August 19, 2013

"The" Will of the Father Part 4

"The" will of the Father is that you receive the Son.  "And this is the will of him who hath sent me, that ye receive the Son; " (JST John 6: 44)
(JST John 6:44) What then, exactly is meant by the phrase, "receive" the Son? According to the words of the Master, there will be many who will be under the mistaken impression that because they did "many wonderful works" in His name during their mortal life, they will be able to simply cry Lord! Lord! and thereby be saved in the Kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 7: 21-23) Because The Lord personally pointed out there will be "many" that will be mistaken about what is required to actually be admitted into the Kingdom of heaven, we ought to be sure we know and not just suppose we think we know what is required of us. Otherwise, we may find ourselves among the "many" who have been deceived under the mistaken idea that a few miracles and "many wonderful works" done in His name will provide entry for us into the Kingdom of heaven. The criteria for entry is not as broad and as wide as "many wonderful works" done in His name during our mortal lives. The criteria is instead strait and narrow. It is as simple and strait as doing "the will of the Father" which is "that ye receive the Son; (JST JOHN 6: 44)

The Lord revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith:

"For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lives, and few there be that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know meBut if ye receive me in the world, then shall ye know me, and shall receive your exaltation; that where I am ye shall be also. (D&C 132: 22-23)

"Knowing" The Lord depends on you receiving Him in the world. Knowing Him is eternal life because "...this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3)  Therefore, we can say, that doing the will of the Father, which is, that you receive the Son in this world, is the way in which you come to actually know Him, and the way in which you receive eternal life from Him.  If you have received the Son in this world there will be no need for The Lord to profess to you in that day, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Matt. 7: 23) because He will "know" you and you will likewise "know" Him. You will then "see as (you) are seen, and know as (you) are known, having received of his fulness and of his grace; (D&C 76: 94)

Joseph Smith was speaking about receiving the Son in this world when he recorded this in the Doctrine and Covenants about John 14: 23

"The appearing of the Father and the Son, in that verse, is a personal appearance; and the idea that the Father and the Son dwell in a man’s heart is an old sectarian notion, and is false." (D&C 130: 3)

On Sunday morning May 21, 1843 Joseph Smith taught a sermon at the Nauvoo Temple stand. Joseph had taught this doctrine on several occasions around this date. On this Sunday morning, he continued to declare great and eternal truths regarding the manner in which we are to receive the Son of God in the world.  Several people recorded their recollections of this particular sermon and preserved the truths Joseph put forth on that occasion. Howard and Martha Coray recorded the prophet as follows:

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto give heed until the day star arise in your hearts. It is one thing to receive knowledge by the voice of God, (this is my beloved Son &c.) & another to know that you yourself will be saved, to have a positive promise of your own Salvation is making your calling and election sure. Viz the voice of Jesus saying my beloved thou shalt have eternal life. Brethren never cease struggling until you get this evidence." (Words of the Prophet Joseph Smith Ehat and Cook page 208)

James Burgess recorded from the sermon:

"There are three grand keys to unlock the whole subject. First what is the knowledge of God, second what is it to make our calling and election sure. Third and last is how to make our calling and election sure. Ans, it is to obtain a promise from God for myself that I shall have eternal life. That is the more sure word of prophecy. (Words of the Prophet Joseph Smith Ehat and Cook page 209)

Joseph Smith's own Diary entry from the sermon on May 21, 1843 kept by Willard Richards records:

"After all this make your calling and election sure. If this injunction would lay largely on those to whom it was spoken. How much more then to them of the 19. Century.-
1 Key knowledge is the power of Salvation
2 Key Make his calling and election sure
3. It is one thing to be on the mount and hear the excellent voice &c &c. and another to hear the voice declare to you you have a part & lot in the kingdom.- (Words of the Prophet Joseph Smith Ehat and Cook page 205-206)

It is the will of the Father that we receive the Son in this world because by so doing our calling and election, which is the promise of eternal life and a place in the kingdom of heaven, is made sure by the personal declaration of the only Being who possesses the right and power to bestow such blessings upon an individual. He is the Holy One of Israel and He employs no servant in these matters. (2Nephi 9: 41) This is the more sure word of prophecy. (D&C 131: 5)

We must receive the Son in this world in order to do the will of the Father and gain entry into the Kingdom of heaven. For "not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 7: 21)  

Friday, August 16, 2013

"The" Will of the Father Part 3

"No man can come unto me, except he doeth the will of my Father who hath sent me. And this is the will of him who hath sent me, that ye receive the Son; for the Father beareth record of him; and he who receiveth the testimony, and doeth the will of him who sent me, I will raise up in the resurrection of the just." (JST John 6: 44)

The will of the Father is that you "receive" the Son. Until you do the will of the Father, which is that you "receive" the Son, you may not enter into the Kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 7: 21-23) Understanding clearly what it means to "receive" the Son, then becomes the hinge point of our striving for redemption from the fall and entry into the Kingdom of heaven. We must know in what manner the Son is to be "received." And we must learn how, or by what process in our mortal lives, we are to "receive" Him.

A part of the process of "receiving" the Son is described in the verse from John which is cited above. This verse was translated by the prophet Joseph Smith and can be found in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (JST). We ought to take notice in the verse cited, there are a couple of different things mentioned. The first is the phrase "for the Father beareth record of him;"  The record that is born to us by the Father of the Son, is the testimony we are to receive from the Father. This is one witness in a series of witnesses called "the doctrine of Christ." When Christ visited the Nephite people at Bountiful He declared to them: (3Nephi 11: 32)

"And this is my doctrine, and it is the doctrine which the Father hath given unto me; and I bear record of the Father, and the Father beareth record of me, and the Holy Ghost beareth record of the Father and me; and I bear record that the Father commandeth all men, everywhere, to repent and believe in me."

So, the Father will bear record to us of the Son. However, that testimony to us from the Father, of the Son, must be followed by something more. That is why the next phrase in the verse from John above suggests we must not only receive the testimony that comes from the witness of the record born by the Father, we must then continue and also do the "will of the Father" which has already been defined as "receiving" the Son, "and he who receiveth the testimony, AND doeth the will of him who sent me, I will raise up..." In other words, the testimony we receive in our hearts and our minds of the divinity of The Lord Jesus Christ from the Father is necessary and wonderful, it does not however constitute "receiving" the Son. Joseph Smith explained it this way:

"Jesus was the Son of God yet he says we have a more sure word of Prophecy where unto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place. Now wherein could they have a more sure word of prophecy than to hear the voice of God saying this is my Beloved Son &C Now for the Secret & grand Key though they might hear the voice of God & know that Jesus was the Son of God this would be no evidence that their election & Calling & election was made shure that they had part with Christ & was a Joint heir with him, they then would want that more sure word of Prophecy that they were sealed in the heavens & had the promise of eternal live in the Kingdom of God then having this promise sealed unto them it was as an anchor to the Soul Sure & Steadfast though the thunders might roll & lightnings flash & earthquakes Bellow & war gather thick around yet this hope & knowledge would support the soul in evry hour of trail trouble & tribulationThen Knowledge through our Lord & savior Jesus Christ is the grand Key that unlocks the glories &misteries of the Kingdom of heaven… (May 14, 1843 Wilford Woodruff Journal)

The record of heaven to your heart and mind that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of the Living God according to Joseph Smith is "no evidence that (your) election & Calling & election was made shure that (you) had part with Christ & was a Joint heir with him."  The evidence that one is a joint heir in the Kingdom of heaven comes not by the testimony born to our hearts and minds by the record of heaven; as John said, "he who receiveth the testimony, AND doeth the will of him who sent me, I will raise up..." (JST John 6: 44) It is in doing the will of the Father, which is to "receive" the Son, where assurance of heirship in the Kingdom of heaven is given to a person. Because, as Joseph aptly assures us:

"Then Knowledge through our Lord & savior Jesus Christ is the grand Key that unlocks the glories &misteries of the Kingdom of heaven"

That knowledge only comes through and from The Lord Jesus Christ when we "receive" Him in this world. (D&C 132: 22-23)

In the next post we will continue to explore the meaning and truth about "The will of he Father" which is that you "receive" the Son.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

"The" Will of the Father Part 2

"Not every one that saith unto me,Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 7: 21)

Doing "the will of the Father," according to The Lord, is the only way anyone will ever enter into the Kingdom of heaven. As pointed out in the last post, even a life filled with "many wonderful works" (Matt. 7: 22) done in the name of The Lord will not assure anyone entry into the Kingdom of heaven. Unfortunately, many who have had a life filled with "many wonderful works" done in the name of The Lord will be told by The Lord, "I never knew you: depart from me..." (Matt. 7: 23) We must ponder then, how it is possible to have a life full of "many wonderful works" done in the name of The Lord only to have The Lord make the pronouncement in the end, "I never knew you."

It is evident from the words of The Lord in these verses from Matthew that there is going to be a lot of people in that day who will find it very surprising that the conduct and course of their mortal lives did not result in entry into the Kingdom of heaven. The evidence of utter surprise that they will not be quickly ushered into the Kingdom of heaven, is the argument "many" people will futilely  advance at the feet of the Master that they have done many "wonderful works" in His name. In their minds, they had earned a spot in the kingdom because of "many wonderful works" done in His name. There is a critically important lesson and truth to be learned from the fact there will be "many" experiencing devastating surprise on that day. 

I believe The Lord included this sad story of surprise and rejection in the record specifically to point out to us that we ought not think that every religious thing we do in our mortal lives will save us, even if we piously do "many wonderful works" in His name. Although The Lord specifically points out the claim of prophecy-ing and casting out devils in the life experiences of many in that day, He then broadens the list of claims to include "many wonderful works" done in His name. 

What are the religious "wonderful works" in our lives, done in His name, that we are sure will lead to our own invitation into the Kingdom of Heaven?

If asked, most LDS folk will tell you entering into the Kingdom of heaven depends on some variation of stuff like:

  • You must be baptized
  • You must receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands
  • You must be a member of the Church
  • You must attend church meetings and be "active" in the church
  • You must partake of the sacrament each week in a repentant manner
  • You must be faithful in completing every church assignment and never turn down any request for church service
  • You must "magnify" your callings
  • Your home teaching/visiting teaching must be faithfully completed
  • You must be endowed in the temple and receive all of the ordinances
  • You must research and compile names of deceased ancestors and complete temple ordinances for them
  • You must attend the temple frequently
  • You must be married "for time and all eternity" in the temple
  • You must faithfully listen to and do the counsel and direction of the living prophet and the brethren
  • You must live a "good life" and be charitable to others - do unto others... and so forth
  • You must "endure to the end"

This list is not comprehensive for all people, but generally, most members of the church probably believe some combination of these things will result in entry for them into the celestial kingdom. Do these things and you WILL enter into the Kingdom of heaven. When asked about doing the "will of the Father," many would say this list or some close variation of the list constitutes "the will of the Father."

Are the "wonderful works" listed above generally good? Well, yes - generally. (However, some are subject to strong critical debate, and some are not "good" at all)

Are some of the things listed above absolutely required components and necessary to enter into the Kingdom of heaven?  Yes.

Are some of the things listed above absolutely NOT required for entry into the Kingdom of heaven? Yes, absolutely.

Do any or all of the items together listed above constitute "the will of the Father" as that phrase is used by the Master in the verses from Matthew? No. At least not completely or directly. Some of the items on the list are related to the "will of the Father," but only in an ancillary or "leading to" kind of way. Other items on the list are not related in any way to "the will of the Father."  This is where understanding what the "will of the Father" "is," becomes critically important. All "wonderful works" done in the name of The Lord do not strictly constitute "the" will of the Father. Otherwise, if you had sufficient faith in the Lord to prophesy in His name, or cast out Devils in His name, or do many other "wonderful works" in His name such as those that appear on the list above, you could simply claim to have done "many wonderful works" throughout your life and be saved in the Kingdom of heaven without rejection at the last day. There is no implicit power to save anything or anyone in "wonderful works" done by men in the name of The Lord. This is why you may do many "wonderful works" in the name of The Lord and then be told by Him in the end, "Depart from me - I never knew you." (Matt. 7: 23)

To repeat:

Are some of the items listed above good things? Yes.

Are some of the items listed above necessary and required of us? Yes.

Are some of the items listed above NOT necessary or required of us? Yes.

Do any or some of the items listed above constitute "the" will of the Father? No.

Does the Father desire that we go about our lives doing good and "wonderful works?" Yes.

Will going about our lives doing good and "wonderful works" lead to entry into the Kingdom of heaven? No, unless we also do "the" will of the Father.

Joseph Smith the prophet of the restoration clarified specifically "the" will of the Father in his translation of one verse in the New Testament. (JST John 6: 44) 

"No man can come unto me, except he doeth the will of my Father who hath sent me. And this is the will of him who hath sent me, that ye receive the Son; for the Father beareth record of him; and he who receiveth the testimony, and doeth the will of him who sent me, I will raise up in the resurrection of the just."

"The" will of the Father is simply that "ye receive the Son." In this, is entry into the Kingdom of heaven granted. And it is granted not because, or by, many "wonderful works." Instead, entry into the Kingdom of heaven is received as the Son of God is "received" by an individual. This is "the" will of the Father.

What does it mean to "receive" the Son?

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;" (Matt. 7: 21)